Journey to Union

And when in a face,
You see the entire human race,
You’ll be compassion,
Which will happen in a timely fashion.

But only if you let you breathe,
You’ll be able to construct this Deed.
It’s about permission-
You letting you embark on this mission.

This mission which is clarity,
Clarity of all men’s life’s entirety,
Which grants Union,
Of all things sweet communion.

And then declare it.
Go be bold, loud and spread it.
And then invite them,
With love, light, faith ignite them.

And share your sweat with them,
Tears, smiles, deep belly laughs with them.
With perseverance-
Despite a small black make-believe ego interference.

Come, get back up again,
Climb the mountain to the peak up with them.
And celebrate it!
So much that your hearts won’t forget it.

It’s time to shine now.
To you, all old faults will bow down now.
For it’s ascension-
A super natural human progression.

Bring in what’s missing;
A big warm heart that’s beating-
Comfort the pain
Of a nervous system that had only a brain.

Amp up the brightness,
Dry out the fear with your kindness.
Let’s glow as one,
For a million candles shine like a Sun.

And Higher Life will follow,
 As always it will spring from Earth’s hollow.
 And all will flower,
 With a direction of ever-higher power.

And Possibility –
Once thought only as God’s ability,
But God is in us,
Abundance, gifts will-power within us.

Long the day lay dormant,
A forgotten path most important.
Fully Awakened,
The Giant Purpose never again shall be forsaken.

And thank your sadness,
The one that brought you once to madness.
Now there’s only gratitude,
That has you sailing high with such magnitude.

And we all see it,
The ever-distant horizon as we get near it.
We feel it close now.
Not to reach, but to keep going’s enough now.

We’re all together,
And like that, there’s really no fetter.
Just absolution,
As we all arrived at our own solution.

And to our our Victory,
To our single best moment in History.
 And then a stillness,
 In which there’s all of human kind’s fulfillment.

And more expansion,
Fueled by the all great Will’s hot Passion.
A never ending journey..
Come aboard, there’s still room for plenty.

-Elli Perl